June 2023
Talk at The Cambridge Homes - an independent senior living center
June 2023
Private Cambridge Book Club
I am available for groups – if you or your friends are entering the empty nest phase, don’t panic. Get a group together to share and support, available in person OR virtually! Email me at mmorganbaker@comcast.net to set up a time and date for a conversation.
TidePool Bookshop is at 372 Chandler Street in Worcester.
5:30 p.m.
I read with Karen Fine, DVM at TidePool Books in Worcester. We chatted about all the animals (and some people) in our memoirs - The Other Family Doctor and Emptying the Nest - to a full house. If you're in the Worcester area, check out their bookstore. It is really lovely. You will not have a hard time finding the perfect book to take home!
May 2023
Book Launch at Porter Square Books in Cambridge
My launch at Porter Square Books was incredible. Thank you to Rebecca Steinitz for leading the conversation, and to my friends, family, students, and colleagues for joining me!
Where: Porter Square Books in Cambridge
When: May 10 at 7 p.m.
What: A conversation between Morgan and Rebecca Steinitz, the author of Time, Space, and Gender in the Nineteenth-Century British Diary and a regular book reviewer for the Boston Globe.
Available for group readings and discussion. Please email mmorganbaker89@gmail.com for more information.